My Boston travel and finally holding the little Camel book in my hands

Claus Ibsen
fabric8 io
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


I have been on a week long visit in Boston where I have been spreading the good word about Apache Camel. On Monday we had an analyst doing interviews with various thought leaders in various spaces. I was of course there about integration and Apache Camel.

These interviews are still being processed but I am looking forward to see the results later when its ready. It was fun to be interviewed in a professional setup, and I have to say a big thank you to Adrian Bowles from RTInsights whom made this process much relaxed and in a light atmosphere so it felt like a conversation we could have had in a bar — — the only nit pick is that we didn’t have the beers.

My trip to Boston happened incidentally at the same time as Jon’s and my new book was published and the print books are being distributed. So Red Hat had about 40 books sent to the Boston office and I was able to hold a copy of the book in my hands.

A number of copies of the book was handed out to friends of the Camel, and Christina Lin was the lucky first one to have the book and have it signed as well. She says that she can sell it on e-bay in the future to earn a big chunk of cash.

On Tuesday Red Hat hosted a Boston user group event, where Simon Green was speaking about his real life experience with microservices — and it covered Apache Camel as well — great talk Simon. It has been a pleasure to learn you better, and thanks for being my Uber-X driver ;)

The next couple of days I visited customers, and also had time to walk the city of Boston.

On Thursday we hosted a Camel event a bit outside Boston where I gave a talk about Agile Integration and a more hands-on talk/demo on developing Camel microservices on containers (Kubernetes).

At the event we handed out the remainder 30+ books and as we had a full booking we ran out of books. Red Hat had taken their names and will order more copies so they can get the book later. After the talk we had some food, beers and drinks and people queued up to have their books signed.

Today its Friday and I am now sitting in the airport and writing this blog. In the after-noon I walked from my hotel to the independent fort which was a 3 mile walk each way, so it was a longer walk. And when I got to the fort it was closed, but it didn’t matter as much — it was more the long walk I needed after a week without any running.

Originally published at on February 20, 2018.



Works for Red Hat on the open source integration project Apache Camel. Author of Camel in Action books. Java Champion. ASF member. International speaker.