Apache Camel route coverage tooling on the way

Claus Ibsen
fabric8 io
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017


Last weekend I found some time to hack on new tooling for doing Apache Camel route coverage reports.

The intention is to provide APIs and functionality out of the box from Apache Camel that other tooling vendors can leverage in their tooling. For example to show route coverage in IDEA or Eclipse tooling, or to generate SonarType reports, etc.

I got as far to build a prototype that is capable of generating a report which you run via the camel-maven-plugin. Having a prototype built in the came-maven-plugin is a very good idea as its neutral and basically just plain Java. And make its possible for other vendors to look at how its implemented in the camel-maven-plugin and be inspired how to use this functionality in their tooling.

I wanted to work on the hardest bit first which is being able to parse your Java routes and correlate to which EIPs was covered or not. We do have parts of such a parse based on the endpoint validation tooling which already exists in the camel-maven-plugin, which I have previously blogged about. The parser still needs a little bit more work however I do think I got it pretty far over just one weekend of work. Support for XML was just added as shown in the screenshot below.

I recorded a video demonstrating the tooling in action. I forgot to show in the video recording, that you can change the Camel routes, such as inserting empty lines, adding methods to the class etc, and when you re-run the camel-maven-plugin it will re-parse the route and output the line numbers correctly.

Anyway enjoy the video, its about 12 minutes long, so go grab a cup of coffee or tea first.

The plan is to include this tooling in the next Apache Camel 2.21 release which is scheduled in January 2018.

The JIRA ticket about the tooling is CAMEL-8657

Feedback is much welcome, and as always we love contributions at Apache Camel, so you are welcome to help out. The current work is upstream on this github branch. The code will be merged to master branch later when Apache Camel 2.20.0 is officially released.

When I get some more time in the future I would like to add support for route coverage in the Apache Camel IDEA plugin. Eclipse users may want to look at the JBoss Fuse tooling which has support for Apache Camel, which could potentially also add support for route coverage as well.

Originally published at www.davsclaus.com on October 10, 2017.



Works for Red Hat on the open source integration project Apache Camel. Author of Camel in Action books. Java Champion. ASF member. International speaker.